Municipal Water Treatment Monitoring
Monitoring your municipal water treatment facility is not cheap or easy, not to mention what it takes to operate. Moreover, it requires knowledgeable personnel and a lot of information to function well. Our cloud-based solution provides the information you need, no matter where you are. As a result, we can help you make better decisions that allow you to run your facility more effectively.
The most common sources for water are lakes, rivers, and the ground. There are two primary categories of water treatment facilities which are based on the source of the water: surface water and ground water. However, no two plants are exactly alike. It is true that many surface water plants use Slow Sand Filtration, Ultrafiltration, or Nanofiltration, but these are only a few examples of primary treatment. Likewise, ground water plants often uses green sand pressure filtration followed by a softening process to treat water, but there are several other variations. Sometimes, they even use more than one source of water for the same plant. Therefore, the combinations are endless.
What can be monitored in the cloud for my municipal water treatment plant?
One thing all these plants have in common is that they have numerous components. A cloud based monitoring solution for your Municipal Water Treatment system can monitor your pumps, valves, chemical feeders, and much more. We can deliver information to you on all these important parts of your plant’s process, keeping you informed on how your plant is running, and alerting you to issues the moment they happen.

Key metrics
- Raw water and effluent flow rates
- Effluent water quality (pH, chlorine mg/L, turbidity)
- Clearwell management
- High Service discharge pressure
- Chemical systems (chlorine, carbon, KMNO4, lime…)
- Power failure & Generator status
- Pump Status
- Pump Failure
- Pump run hours
Receive critical notifications about your municipal water treatment system
The first line of defense in maintaining our aging infrastructure are the professionals who monitor these systems daily. After that, there is receiving notifications, especially, if the plant is unattended, or the operator is away from his desk. Currently, to do this, they often utilize on-premise SCADA systems to monitor the plant and outdated alarm dialers for notifications. New technology has made substantial improvements to these systems. As a result these technologies provide more efficient monitoring and more economical maintenance. Adding a Cloud Based solution to your system can make all the difference in the world.
Water treatment plants have complex processes and needs monitored all the time even when you are not there. Not knowing that you have an issue is not an excuse for the EPA – their concern is compliancy.
Save Money
- Interface with existing automation equipment like on-premise SCADA and PLCs and extend them to the cloud cost effectively.
- Stop taking unnecessary trips to the plant to troubleshoot issues.
- Reduce administration time sorting through unorganized data.
- Gain peace of mind with remote monitoring and alerts.
- Reduce equipment downtime.
- Check in on operations while you are on the go.
- Eliminate unplanned expenses due to equipment failure damages.
- Add redundancy to your existing system.
- Eliminate avoidable EPA violations due to low or high chemical levels, or effluent water that is out of discharge limits.
- Compile information for monthly reports.
- Knowing about a simple pump failure may be the difference between being in compliance or not.
Fully Customizable Cloud Based SCADA for Municipal Water Treatment
For a small to medium sized municipality, the expense of a full featured SCADA package is often not required. In many cases, they do not solve the real problem. Operators at small municipalities are spread thin; often they are the water, wastewater, and streets department. Mid-sized municipalities operate 24/7 but no one is there during the night. Having a computer at a central location makes very little sense when no one is there. The amount of information that is needed to operate can be boiled down to a few key metrics. A cloud based solution allows the operator access to information from anywhere at any time. (see Case study-Replacing SCADA)
Case Studies
See what our clients are saying about how Data-Command has helped them.
What about monitoring my distribution system?
The distribution system is a major part of getting water to your community. Therefore, we have made it a part of our solution as well. Through the use of cellular technology, we can integrate your distribution system into your treatment process. Finally, you are able to view your storage tanks and control your pump stations utilizing our cloud based solution.