Wastewater Treatment Plant Monitoring

The United States has one of the best wastewater treatment systems in the world. However, with the aging infrastructure such as wastewater treatment plants, lift stations, and sewer pipes, the industry now faces a significant challenge in maintaining and advancing their achievements in protecting public health. For this reason, it is necessary to monitor specific information to adhere to state requirements.

Your plant is unique, as is the information you monitor. Hence, we have developed a cloud-based solution to gather the data you need. We can help you make better decisions, save money, and stay compliant. 

Receive notifications to monitor your wastewater treatment facility

The first line of defense in maintaining our aging infrastructure are the professionals who monitor these systems daily. After that, there is received notifications, especially if the plant is unattended. Currently, these professionals often utilize on-premise SCADA systems to monitor the plant and outdated alarm dialers for notifications. New technology has allowed for substantial improvements to these systems. As a result, these technologies provide more efficient monitoring and more economical maintenance. Adding a cloud based solution to your system can make all the difference in the world.

Wastewater treatment plants have complex processes and although packaged plants may be simpler, both need constant monitoring. Being unaware of an issue is not an excuse for the EPA – their concern is compliancy.

Parshall flume in Effluent Channel of Wastewater Treatment Plant measures the flow
Parshall flume in Effluent Channel of Wastewater Treatment Plant measures the flow

Monitor key metrics to stay compliant

  • Effluent Flow, Temperature, pH, DO, SS
  • Influent Wet Well Level and Flow Rate
  • High and Low Alarm
  • Pump Run Status and Cycle Count
  • Blower Status
  • Pump Runtime Hours
  • Power Failure and Generator Status
  • Pump Fail
  • Flow Totalization

Fully Customizable Cloud Based SCADA for Wastewater Treatment

For a small to medium sized municipality, the expense of a full featured SCADA package is often not required. In many cases, they do not solve the real problem. Operators at small municipalities are spread thin; often they are the water, wastewater, and streets department. Mid-sized municipalities operate 24/7 but no one is there during the night. Having a computer at a central location makes very little sense when no one is there. The amount of information that is needed to operate can be boiled down to a few key metrics. A cloud based solution allows the operator access to information from anywhere at any time. (see Case study-Replacing SCADA)

Easy-to-Use Displays,Trends and Reports

Display of the Primary Building at a WWTP.

Case Studies

See what our clients are saying about how Data-Command has helped them.

Save Money



Sending lift station information to your existing SCADA

Wastewater systems have lift stations and you want to see your remote site information on your centralized on-premise SCADA system. It is for this reason that we created a secure method of delivering this information to your plant automation platform. More specifically, we can securely deliver information to your programmable controllers through their native protocol or to your on-premise SCADA packages via OPC.

Zeus writing to Automation platform and scada servers
Writing to Automation platform and SCADA servers

We are not just a cloud based solution, we are also a transport mechanism.  Therefore, we can collect information from remotely located stations
and populate on-premise automation systems. As a result, you can view this information on your local display and utilize your local alarming, trending and reporting system.

Fullstream Energy is focused on partnering with producers in world class resource plays to provide safe, reliable, and cost effective midstream solutions, using creative and flexible commercial arrangements. Fullstream currently runs and services a 24″ gas pipeline in West Virginia. They provide one of the highest run rates to their customers, giving them the peace of mind that their gas will be working when they need it most.