Remotely Access industrial Information

Many solutions connect you with your information via VPN or remote computer control, creating a vulnerability. In order to allow you to securely see your industrial information from anywhere at anytime, we deliver information to the cloud, which is essential for maintaining security.

Securely Delivering Industrial Information to the Cloud

To achieve secure cloud-based monitoring, Data-Command uses a compliant device that DELIVERS your industrial information to our cloud solutions. These devices are able to interface with your equipment and/or SCADA system in many different ways, which allows us to monitor your system 24/7 and gives you the ability to receive alerts and securely access your information from anywhere at anytime.

Wired directly to your industrial equipment

If you do not have a PLC or on site logic device and want to securely extend your information to the cloud, then the Lynx is recommended to get the information you need.

Access Industrial information
Access Industrial information through the lynx

The Lynx allows you to directly wire to your equipment like pumps and valves to see their status and alarms via (12) digital inputs.

For analytical or measuring equipment like tanks and wet wells, the Lynx can measure (up to 8) 4-20mA signals


Communicate with a PLC or smart device

If you have an existing PLC or plant automation system and want to securely extend your information to the cloud, then the Zeus is for you.

Access Industrial information through the zeus
Access Industrial information through the zeus

Our Zeus device communicates with your PLCs or SCADA packages and industrial equipment via many standard protocols.

These protocols include Industrial Ethernet (Allen-Bradley), DF1, Modbus Ethernet or Serial, OPC UA, DA SQL, as well as others. 

Transporting your information to the cloud

Utilizing Existing Connections like DSL or Cable

If you already have an internet connection like DSL or cable – great! All of our equipment is capable of utilizing your existing connection to communicate to our cloud solution. 

Our products securely delivering information to the cloud.
Our products securely delivering information to the cloud.

Our packets are encrypted for end-to-end security. Information is delivered automatically, so there is no need to open any inbound ports and you are never directly connected to your OT network, unlike through VPN, Remote Desktop, or other remote access solutions, resulting in better security.

Data-Command Can Provide Cellular Connectivity

If you don’t have connectivity or are worried about security,
Data-Command has a solution for you via our Verizon Private Client Network or other carriers like AT&T.

Our products securely delivering information to the cloud.

Our cellular solution sits on Verizon’s virtual private network which is a private network that is only accessible to Data-Command’s cloud solution. In most cases, we utilize very reliable Multitech cellular modems.

All data plans are handled by Data-Command and are part of the solution.

Enjoy all the features and benefits that Data-Command provides

These are examples of Data-Command's infoportal, Cloud-based Remote Monitoring Dashboards
Data-Command's infoportal, Cloud-based Remote Monitoring Dashboards

Want Off-Premise/Offsite Redundancy?

By adding our system to an exiting on-premise solution, you can rest easy knowing that if your on-premise SCADA system has an issue, Data-Command is still there for you. We independently collect your key real time and historical information then deliver it to you.

Access Industrial Automation information through the zeus
Access Industrial Automation information through the zeus

Our Zeus device can independently communicate with your automation platform, gather key information, and securely send it to Data-Command for offsite viewing and storage of key metrics with the added benefit of Cloud based alerts, independent of your on-premise SCADA package,